
研究结构性和系统性的种族主义, Truman recently conducted a town hall on racial injustice and inequity to provide an opportunity to gain a shared understanding of what must be done to accomplish institutional change. 当被问及杜鲁门应该立即做什么时, 小组成员主张发表公开声明的重要性.

就在乔治·弗洛伊德被谋杀之后, 给所有学生发了一封电子邮件, faculty and staff challenging the University to confront the racial injustice and inequity legacies of the past, acknowledge the realities of the present and do real work to achieve an 公平的 future. It was a call to action in line with rapper and activist Killer Mike’s call to “fortify your own house so that you may be a house of refuge in times of organization.” It is clear that part of fortifying our own house is a collective public statement that was informed by the insights from the town hall:

在杜鲁门, 我们拥抱社区的力量, 重视观点的多样性, and espouse the importance of facing challenges and being uncomfortable as a part of growth. 任何形式的种族主义都是与社区对立的. 与不平等, 存在分歧, 这些分歧阻碍我们成为公正的人, 包容, 公平的, 以及我们想要和需要成为的真正的社区.

We acknowledge the fear, pain, prejudice, antagonism and subjugation that is ubiquitous 黑人的经历和种族隔离的历史遗产, 边缘化, 以及获得经济机会的不公平, 社会流动性, 以及所有高等教育机构的政治权力, 包括杜鲁门.

谴责种族主义的最好方式就是反对种族主义. We will actively and consciously work against the multidimensional aspects of racism. 我们将挑战种族主义只是有意识的观念, 深思熟虑的, 明确并将我们的理解转变为解决无意识问题, 非故意的, 以及隐晦的种族主义行为.

It is our responsibility to uncover and disrupt systems that perpetuate injustice and inequity, 这样做的时候, reform all aspects of those systems that are anathema to the principles of racial equity including policies, 教育学, 和实践.

Real change will require collective, concerted, unrelenting efforts over an extended period of time. 我们在实现公正方面的进步, 包容, 公平的, 真正的社区需要个人和机构的自我反思, 谦卑, 诚实和完全拥抱所有人类的普遍内在价值.

和这些话一样重要, words without action are performative allyship that do little to address the true matter at hand. 作为一所文理学院, 杜鲁门的核心是成为改变世界的力量. 为此目的, the University is focusing on six core areas: access and recruitment; student success, retention and integration; recruitment, hiring and development of employees; campus culture; curricular and co-curricular learning; and alumni community. The University has begun taking the first of many steps to make impactful and sustained progress in these six areas:

  • With the hiring of a diversity and inclusion consultant with a powerful connection to Truman, the University takes a significant step forward in developing impactful short-term strategies and long-term goals to bring about greater diversity, 包容与公平.
  • Organizations like the Association of Black Collegians continue to advocate passionately for racial equity and justice. 最近, President Thomas had a very enlightening and productive conversation with the group about their experiences and the essential changes the University must make. Their continued partnership will ensure Truman maintains vigilance in 包容与公平 efforts and creating sustainable institutional change.
  • Truman’s Center for Diversity and Inclusion recently hosted a virtual presentation on the foundations of social justice, 特别强调种族正义. Participants found it to be a useful exercise in self-examination and systemic analysis.
  • The Minority Ambassadors Program has moved under the direction of the Office of 入学 and will be enhanced to more successfully meet its mission of recruiting minoritized students and hosting events that promote cultural awareness.
  • The New Truman Student Experience will have an increased attention to diversity and inclusion across its three elements: Truman Week (activities scheduled before and during the beginning of classes), 杜鲁门专题讨论会(针对新生的常见演讲者/活动系列), and the Self and Society Seminar (a small-group class required for all new students).
    • Truman Week already includes multiple programs related to diversity and inclusion; they will be strengthened and improved this year. The Truman Symposium will focus one of its four modules on “Advancing Inclusion and Equity”. Students will have small group discussions about this module in their Self and Society Seminar. 自我与社会研讨会还将包括一份反种族主义的阅读清单, 并将制定跨文化思维的最低标准, 符合国家标准.
  • Faculty Governance is examining improvements to the Intercultural Perspective of the curriculum to make it more specifically connected to issues of race, class, 和性别. It is also working with the Academic Professional Development Center to provide training for all faculty on issues such as how to handle difficult discussions, 如何识别有意识和无意识的偏见, 以及如何在课堂上成为一个反种族主义者.
  • A group of University members will be tasked in the next few weeks to develop a comprehensive strategic plan for diversity and inclusion that includes metrics, 措施, and initiatives that address the six core areas and builds upon the current Strategic Plan for Inclusive Excellence. 这个修改和更新的战略计划将提供可衡量的, accountable actions that will serve as a blueprint for how the University can maintain continuous progress. 该计划将于今年年底完成.

These are the most recent actions in what is an ongoing effort to address injustice and inclusion. 本着透明和问责的精神, all University messaging and actions related to confronting racial injustice and inequity and advancing inclusion will be posted on the 多元化和包容性中心网站. 经常回头看看是否有其他的行动或者提供一些想法.